“Oh no, it’s Monday tomorrow…”
Has this thought ever entered your head at the end of a blissful weekend?
It has definitely entered mine.
And it’s entered enough peoples’ heads for this thought to become known as “The Sunday Scaries.”
According to this 2018 LinkedIn Survey, over 80% of Americans worry about the week ahead on their Sundays — precious time meant for unwinding and relaxing. This already hefty number soars to even greater heights at 91% and 94% respectively for Millennials and Gen Z.
Why does this happen?
From my personal experience, I felt the Sunday Scaries when I had to go to a job I didn’t like, managers who I felt treated me poorly, or when I was running projects I didn’t feel competent enough to handle.
In short, I felt anxious because I didn’t feel like I belonged at my job.
However, when I was at a job where I felt fulfilled, supported, and competent, my Sunday Scaries not only went away, but my confidence and sense of happiness soared.
Does this mean you must leave your job to leave the Sunday Scaries behind?
Not necessarily.
When I dealt with the core issues of where my anxieties stemmed from, my attitude and behaviours also changed. I went from feeling shy and insecure in meetings to assertive and joyous.
Sometimes, the job has to change and other times, you have to change.
Having counselled many individuals who felt anxious about their professional and academic work, many — if not all — people feel worried about their jobs. However, those who feel anxious all the time are the ones who feel stuck and like they cannot do anything to make things better.
However, there is a way out.
Firstly, please know that you are not alone. The figures above indicate that this is a common experience that most people encounter.
Secondly, since the number of people who feel anxious is so high, it indicates that job anxiety is a societal issue, not an individual one. As such, reforms addressing and dealing with employee mental health need to be made. For instance, employers could enact Mental Health Days, have regular check-ins with managers trained in supporting team members, and hire mental health professionals to provide consultations and coaching sessions.
Finally, there are many steps individuals can take to manage anxiety levels, such as talking with a professional counsellor, setting healthy boundaries between our personal and professional lives, and practising self-care. While a professional counsellor can guide you to finding and addressing the root cause of your anxiety, self-care, such as setting boundaries, can be a great way to manage anxiety on a day-to-day basis.
In my programs tailored to professionals, I have helped people around the world overcome anxiety by transforming attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours so you can create your dream job. My proven program has helped young professionals address and transform the root cause of their anxieties in as little as one session. If you are ready to change your Sunday Scaries into Sunday Joys, then connect with me to get started!