Known for his strength and power, people were shocked to learn about Johnson's struggles with depression.
In an interview with People Magazine, Johnson shared what he learned from his battles with depression.
"It can't be fixed if you keep that pain inside," he said.
Johnson first experienced depression when a shoulder injury ended his football college career.
He stated that "at that time...I didn't know what mental health was, I didn't know what depression was."
Johnson became depressed again after getting divorced.
However, it took until 2017 and his 3rd bout of depression before he knew what depression was.
“As men, we didn't talk about it, we just kept our head down and worked through it...Not healthy but it's all we knew.”
-Dwayne Johnson
Like Dwayne Johnson, before we can overcome depression, we must first know what depression is.
According to the World Health Organization, symptoms of depression include:
Poor concentration
Feelings of excessive guilt or low self-worth
Hopelessness about the future
Thoughts about dying or suicide
Disrupted sleep
Changes in appetite or weight
Feeling very tired or low in energy
Symptoms last most of the day, almost every day, for at least 2 weeks.
“It can't be fixed if you keep that pain inside. Having the courage to talk to someone is your superpower...Talk to someone. Despite how you may feel, you're never alone.”
-Dwayne Johnson
If you or anyone you know is dealing with depression or suicidal thoughts, you are not alone. We are here to help. Please contact the international suicide hotlines listed below.